Our Core Team is an amazing group of adults who are passionate about leading teens to Meet, Know, Love, & Serve Christ. They are what make our ministries successful and growing. They realize that they do not have all the answers to all the questions, but that we are all on a journey called life and they want to help guide teens on this journey. Our Core Team has three primary focuses:
1) Teens won't always remember what you say, but how you make them feel. Our Core Team strives to build positive relationships with teens. We do this by going out into the community where teens are, listening to teens and being understanding of the issues they are facing today, and believing in and helping teens reach their full potential. Teens want to feel appreciated and to feel they are being heard. We often refer to this as relational ministry, and it is the most important ministry our Core Team does. 2) Be a Role Model of the Faith. Your actions speak louder than you words. We ask that our Core Team constantly live their faith and be willing to share it at all times. Teens easily spot insincerity and hypocrisy and this will destroy any relational ministry. We ask our Core Team to be a role model disciple to the teens by attending Mass weekly, regularly participating in the Sacraments, and having a daily prayer life. 3) Be Active & Present: This means being present in our different ministries and active in one of them (EDGE, Life Teen, Retreats, Mission Trips, Confirmation, etc.) by being involved in that ministry's activities and facilitating small group discussions. You are not a teacher, but a role model. It is ok if you don't have the answers, we provide you with a copy of the night's questions and give you questions to ask during small group time. Your main goal is to lead teens on their journey and help guide them in seeking the questions they have. If you are interested or feeling called to join this amazing group of adults, please contact us!